Saturday, May 17, 2014

Since I haven't posted the homework yet, your homework this weekend is to study. We'll review Ch 10 Monday so be sure to bring any questions or problems that you need help with.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

10.1-10.7 Homework
(I know that the numbering is off; use the numbers on the assignment as you do the problems so it's easier to check the homework on Monday.)
Factoring Trinomials Practice

(The answers are at the bottom. I would suggest doing two or three problems and then scroll down to see if they're correct.)

Monday, April 7, 2014

10.4 and 10.5 Homework

10.4 and 10.5

Period 2: Answer EVENS only

Period 4: Answer ODDS only

SHOW ALL WORK! (This would be a great study guide - and work on the problems not assigned - for the quiz on Wednesday!)

Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014

Introducing Circles (Sketchpad Activity)
(Download the file instead of viewing it in Google Docs in order to see a the pictures.)
Complete the above activity and save your file on the Y: drive under !Geometry.
Your file should be saved as: last name Circles. Example: Smith Circles
As you complete the activity, answer the highlighted questions in complete, detailed answers on looseleaf.

If time allows, complete the second activity: Chords in a Circle (Sketchpad Activity)
(Download the file instead of viewing it in Google Docs in order to see a the pictures.)
Complete this activity and save your file on the Y: drive under !Geometry
Your file should be saved as: last name Chords. Example: Smith Chords
 As you complete the activity, answer the highlighted questions in complete, detailed answers on looseleaf.

Reminder: You have a quiz tomorrow on Lessons 1-3 in Chapter 10. Complete problems in the text or online as a way to study.