Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014

Introducing Circles (Sketchpad Activity)
(Download the file instead of viewing it in Google Docs in order to see a the pictures.)
Complete the above activity and save your file on the Y: drive under !Geometry.
Your file should be saved as: last name Circles. Example: Smith Circles
As you complete the activity, answer the highlighted questions in complete, detailed answers on looseleaf.

If time allows, complete the second activity: Chords in a Circle (Sketchpad Activity)
(Download the file instead of viewing it in Google Docs in order to see a the pictures.)
Complete this activity and save your file on the Y: drive under !Geometry
Your file should be saved as: last name Chords. Example: Smith Chords
 As you complete the activity, answer the highlighted questions in complete, detailed answers on looseleaf.

Reminder: You have a quiz tomorrow on Lessons 1-3 in Chapter 10. Complete problems in the text or online as a way to study.

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