Monday, September 23, 2013

Computer Lab Visit

* Log on to the computer
* Go to blog address
* Go to the Start button
* Open all programs
* Open Sketchpad (Geometer's Sketchpad, GS)
* Open your book to page 122 and begin
* Save your sketch according to the directions, adding your last name to the Y drive: Smith Geometry Folder For example, EXPLORE1SMITH, EXPLORE2SMITH, etc.
*When you are finished, complete the Draw Conclusions on Looseleaf and turn in before class ends. 1-9 on page 122-123

By the end of class you should have three exercises completed and saved.

Each student will earn 10 points today provided:
* They complete all 3 exercises properly and are saved correctly
* There are no reminders for talking, voice level, etc.
* The area the student was in is cleaned up upon leaving, computer signed off, chair pushed in, and headphones replaced.

If you are finished before class ends, continue to use the blog to review key concepts from Chapter 2 for your test on Thursday!

Chapter 2 test on Thursday
complete p. 134-135 #1-11 all

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