Log on to the
Math League Contest. Be sure to read all directions on how to enter your answers correctly. If you forgot your password or log in, raise your hand and wait for Mrs. Smith to give it to. You will need an activation code in order to take the test. This will be posted on the wall once everyone is in the lab and logged in. Once you begin the test, you will have 30 minutes to complete it. You may use scratch paper and a calculator. When the test results are in, students who receive credit for correct answers will receive extra credit points toward their homework grade.
When you finish, you will complete the
Sketchpad activities here; they are also in your book 5.4 and 5.5.
Rubric for computer lab...
Quiz grade!
Student worked quietly and independently. Student completed Math League Contest and worked independently on Geometer's Sketchpad activities with little assistance from others/teacher. Excellent use of time-management and problem-solving skills.
Student was communicating with others at times. Student completed Math League Contest and worked independently on Geometer's Sketchpad activities with assistance from others/teacher. Good use of time-management and problem-solving skills.
Student was communicating with others many times. Student completed Math League Contest and worked on Geometer's Sketchpad activities with assistance from others/teacher. Could show better use of time-management and problem-solving skills.
Student was communicating with others throughout the lab visit. Student completed Math League Contest and worked on Geometer's Sketchpad activities with a lot of assistance from others/teacher. Lack of time-management and problem-solving skills.
Student was off task and received multiple reminders about
appropriate behavior. Did not use time wisely to complete the assignments.
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