Friday, January 24, 2014

Dilation and Similarity

The activities today are independent. If you have questions, raise your hand.
1. Turn in homework to the front desk
2. Time to put your headphones on and watch this video and take notes on dilations
3. Read through the activity - Dilation and Similarity in Sketchpad - and complete it. Any answers that need to be written down should be done on looseleaf with the proper PSM heading (5 points) and turned in at the end of class.
4. Once you have finished the activity, use any extra time to use the links on the blog to study for Monday's test on 6.1-6.3. (Some of the links that are provided have a different Chapter 6 then our book. Be sure to study the topics listed below.)
Ratios and conversions – know customary conversions à oz, qt, gal, cup
Determine polygon scale factor and write similarity statements
Geometric mean of two numbers
Find the perimeter of a rectangle given the length to width ratios and perimeter
Extended ratios and triangles
Solve proportions (using cross products properties)
Use properties of proportions

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